Last week we welcomed over 30 developers from the local community to the Dropbox offices for our first ever hack night!
We kicked off the night with a quick intro of our latest APIs. The Dropbox API team was on hand answering questions while Red Bull and pizza-fueled developers hacked the night away. It was exciting to see several startups begin their Dropbox integration.
We'd like to give a special shoutout to our winners Hackpad, Trove, and Spool for their awesome work!
- Hackpad is an easy-to-use directly edited wiki. Their hack night project lets you link to files from your Dropbox and reference them from within your hackpad pad.
- Trove lets you access all your digital content through one simple API. They added a feature to export pictures from various websites directly to your Dropbox.
- Spool lets you save ideas, articles, images, and PDFs for later access on your phone or tablet. During hack night, they made it easy to import any files from your Dropbox to your Spool queue.
Overall, we heard lots of new ideas and received useful feedback to guide our API efforts. Stay tuned to our developers site or follow @dropboxapi on Twitter for future updates.
Keep hacking, - The API Team
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