Non-Downloadable Files
G Suite files will be returned by files/list_folder, and can be moved, renamed, and deleted like other Dropbox files. Previews and thumbnails are supported as well.
However, as online-only files, they are not directly downloadable. files/list_folder & files/get_metadata have been updated accordingly, and will return new metadata:
"entries": [
".tag": "file",
"name": "Prime_Numbers.gsheet",
"id": "id:a4ayc_80_OEAAAAAAAAAXw",
"client_modified": "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z",
"server_modified": "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z",
"rev": "a1c10ce0dd78",
"size": 7212,
"path_lower": "/homework/math/prime_numbers.gsheet",
"path_display": "/Homework/math/Prime_Numbers.gsheet",
"is_downloadable": false,
"export_info": {
"exports_as": "xlsx"
To date, shared links have granted read-only access to content. Starting with G Suite, some types of Dropbox files may also allow someone with the link to edit as well. We have enhanced our shared links API to support this.
Shared links may have a link_access_level parameter, which defines read-only or editable. This new parameter may be returned by /sharing/list_shared_links and is settable by /sharing/ create_shared_link_with_settings.
"url": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r0xdzphoh99eef2fazh8q/new%20gsheet.gsheet?dl=0&rlkey=yil8l6grehzwi8tfkg5sbiqoe",
"id": "id:0uVLZNU2SdAAAAAAAAAQ7w",
"name": "new gsheet.gsheet",
"path_lower": "/new gsheet.gsheet",
"link_permissions": {
"link_access_level": {
".tag": "viewer"
"effective_audience": {
".tag": "public"
If you’re part of a Dropbox Business team, your admin can enable G Suite access in the Dropbox Admin Console so that you can test against the new document types in Dropbox. Please feel free to contact us here with any questions or feedback about using the Dropbox API to manage G Suite files in Dropbox.
Build with Dropbox today at www.dropbox.com/developers