Best use of the Dropbox API: Stitch

Honorable mention: MyCloset

The team members from MyCloset know each other from work and previous hackathons. They entertained app ideas well into the night on Friday until finally landing on the digital closet. See how they used the v2 Dropbox HTTP API in an iPhone app by looking at their project’s source code.
Honorable mention: Wunderbox

We loved how this app adds an element of happiness and delight to your personal cloud, and the design was one of the best we saw all weekend. This team was on a roll this weekend too – Wunderbox was the second project they completed, which took them about eight hours. The next feature they want to add to Wunderbox is the ability to pay for content.
Honorable mention:

Team, finalists at HackZurich, presents their project during closing ceremonies. Pictured: Stephan Schultz, Markus Petrykowski, and Carl Ambroselli.
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