Prepping your app for iOS 7? Dropbox SDKs have you covered

// By Chris Varenhorst • Sep 18, 2013

Update: The Sync and Datastore SDK has been deprecated. Learn more here.

If you're scrambling to get your app updated for iOS 7, don't worry about Dropbox holding you back. The SDKs for the Chooser, Sync API, and Core API have all been updated with iOS 7 friendly UI, as well as backward compatibility with the older iOS 6 design so your Dropbox integrations will look great regardless of which OS version your users are on.

Keep in mind that all these SDKs work with the Dropbox app on the client if its installed, and the iOS 7 version of that is a few weeks away, so you'll still see the older UI until it’s updated.

And if you’re not able to get your app updated before your users upgrade, not a problem. We tested and confirmed that our previous iOS SDKs will still work fine on iOS 7 without the new iOS 7 UI updates.

iOS Chooser now open source

Additionally, the iOS Chooser is now properly available as an open source project under the MIT license. The package now includes the source code and we've put everything up on GitHub as well.

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